6 Easy Tips for Posting Book Reviews

Rebekah Phelps
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6 Tips for posting Book Reviews

It’s much easier to do something when it’s fresh on your mind and you’ve learned something, gained some insight or found a nugget of inspiration. It’s harder when time goes by and you know a book “was good” — but you forgot it was GREAT and you’d almost have to go back and read it again (you think) to give justice to the book review. I’m going to give you 6 Tips for posting book reviews and it is based on a review a woman left on Amazon. She read my book “I’m an Eagle not a Field Chick” and left the review February 11, 2016.

I wanted to share the 1 review I do have online and use it as an example about leaving a review for an author.

I think it’s not that people don’t really want to do something it’s more about taking the time to or not knowing what to say….

So I’m going to show you and then I’m going to ask you to PLEASE take the time to write a book review for I’m an Eagle not a Field Chick and / or Psalm of my Heart! I’ll even give you the links and a road map to do so!

However, friends be warned (wink)

SOS for a Review

SOS …for a Review

S.O.S. smoke signals are going out to you personally if I don’t see a review online after this.

6 Tips for Posting a Book Review

  1. What did the book personally do FOR YOU? Like Valentina said; “it made her think, it made her ask herself questions and it challenged her!”
  2. WHAT did you learn? I love how Valentina described what she learned not just that she learned something (which would be vague). The stones of remembrance in the book “I’m an Eagle not a Field Chick” are lessons learned in life and YES…isn’t it important you recognize and know what YOUR lessons are? Personally I think you just keep “going through the classroom of that life lesson until you get it! Then onto the next class!
  3. She pointed out aspects of the book that someone who hasn’t read it wouldn’t know yet….she said; “I was greatly encouraged by the discussion notes.” Thanks Valentina! If I read that I’d think it’s not just a book about life lessons, overcoming but has thought provoking questions in the back. Hum…perhaps it’s great for a GROUP!
  4. She pointed to one of her favorite aspects of the book (it points to the Creator of our lives who loves us) I’m glad to know that message was clear to her.
  5. She went so far as to recommend a target audience. She said; “I highly recommend reading “I am an Eagle not a Field Chick” to anyone who is wondering who they are, where they really belong or even anyone who thinks they are “fine” in life.
  6. Lastly I love how she tells a potential reader that they’ll be surprised the way the book encourages and speaks to them directly. The most common thing I’ve heard verbally is; “I was shocked how that book pulled me in!”

Valentina W.’s Review on Amazon  5.0 out of 5 stars” Beautifully illustrated and easy to read  By Amazon Customer on February 11, 2016

“Beautifully illustrated and easy to read; this book made me think and ask a lot of meaningful questions in my life. There are many great lessons to learn. One lesson I learned is how important it is in life to have the stone of remembrance. It should be a stone and the lesson learned should be remembered, otherwise we are prone to roll back where we were. I was challenged and greatly encouraged by the discussion notes for readers at the end of the book. The best thing about this book that at the end it points us all to the Creator of our lives, who deeply loves and cares for us. I highly recommend reading “I am an Eagle” to anyone who is wondering who they are, where they really belong or even anyone who thinks they are “fine” in life. The reader will be surprised the way it speaks and encourages.” – Valentina W., WV


6 Don’ts for Posting Book Reviews:

  1. If you’re a friend or relative, don’t say you are. Not because of other readers but because it holds less weight with Amazon and such. I think their “creepy crawlers” recognized “key words” like Aunt, Sister, Friend, Mother…in reviews.
  2. Don’t just say “it was a good book”
  3. Don’t forget to click on the STARS and rate the book (5 being the highest) – this makes it show up as being rated!
  4. Don’t think your voice doesn’t matter! It does!! Hold a higher opinion of yourself and know speaking up matters…to someone!
  5. Don’t forget we are supposed to encourage one another.
  6. Don’t forget about my SOS warning. (wink)

Where to go to give Reviews

A few variations on websites, but they all are easy cheesy to get to! Below you’ll find directions to Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble to give a review.

  • “Rate This Book” on Goodreads
  • See the Review on Amazon OR click on the book, scroll down and you’ll see “Customer Reviews” – Write a Customer Review.
  • On Barnes and Noble you’ll see “Be the First to Review” after you click on the book you want to review.

If you REALLY want to score “friend points” – send me a photo of yourself with the book, on your coffee table or bookshelf or something creative and fun so I can post it on my author Facebook page and don’t forget to come LIKE my page! But that’s just for extra points (wink).

I am a Christian writer, entrepreneur (founder of Extra You, LLC and White House Home Inventory), artist and wife. I have had my fair share of ups and downs, challenges and eating humble pie … as a wife, mother and just “a regular ol’ person in life.” It’s my heart’s desire to see the broken hearted healed, people restored and walking in the purpose God created for them. My husband and I have two gorgeous grandchildren who reside in Texas, we love to travel and are the proud parents of a Maine Coon spoiled cat. We reside in Charles Town, WV.

My books can be found on my author website, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Goodreads, your local book store or Kindle/Nook. You might run into me on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram


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