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I’m an Eagle, not a Field Chick

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We’ve all been raised on a farm

I’m an Eagle, not a Field Chick features farm characters. Nissi, the Dove, represents God. Nissi carries the egg on his back to a barn below (representing a home/shelter) and places the egg, (known later as Goldie, an eagle) into a hen house where it is raised by a Hen and Rooster (representing parental oversight). The snakes represent Satan, the accuser, mocker and guilt trip expert. Some of the characters represent people we all come across at one time or another. Those Turkey’s, for instance, are always gobbling up what we say, (those who seem to always be the doubt-planters…you know them, those who are a bit contrary); or the Jackasses that finally speak up on our behalf; the Owls that can be aggravating asking a lot of questions, but those questions can be thought-provoking that help lead us to answers, if we let them. Goldie lives on a farm, walking around pecking just like hens do, but has much better vision, a larger wing span and definitely a different appetite. She’s accepted and yet rejected. She’s content and yet dissatisfied. She’s in constant search for purpose and destiny. She has siblings, lives in a cosmopolitan and diverse barnyard (representing various races, personalities and habits). Some of the animals start out as enemies and become friends. Her encounter with the wolves (in sheep’s’ clothing) represents people who aren’t always as they seem. Through discernment, trusting herself and acting on her own gut instincts, Goldie shows courage, fear, determination, people pleasing, and a variety of other human characteristics before she heads up a mountain (on foot, representing how we sometimes take the long, hard way…but get there).

Her baggage represents just that, baggage we all carry around. Even when we “lay down the old stuff we take up new baggage. She shows us how to forgive and move past anger (being dropped into a barn vs. back in the eagle’s nest, feeling forsaken, rejected and misunderstood). She realizes that our character and greatest joys come from some of the darkest times in our lives. Goldie shows us to have a dream and hold onto the vision, even if it means leaving all you know for all you don’t. The “Stones of Remembrance” represent lessons we learn, steps in our life, which are sometimes realized long after they happen. Goldie shows us no matter how big we are, we all have elements of insecurities to work through. We all have done things at some point in our lives to look like others, to fit in, and we all do the very things we wish we wouldn’t. We all say we aren’t afraid or doubting and contradict ourselves in the next breath. We all desire LOVE.

Goldie doesn’t arrive in life and then go back to the farm arrogant, but rather with a sense of humor and confident, knowing that who she is and being comfortable in her own skin doesn’t bring snobbery, but humility. It really doesn’t matter who mistakes one for the other. She has risen up with wings as an eagle, and soars — just as her creator created her to!

Psalm of My Heart –
Who We Are In Christ

NEW EDITION Coming 2019

“A short, passionate “psalm” of one Christian’s personal faith.”

“A deeply personal and widely allusive statement of faith…a collection of assertions of [Phelps’] certainty in the power of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ…”

“Her work [is] an exercise in compositional inspiration…grounded in years of textual study…”

“[Phelps’] lays out a detailed chart of the textual influences on her work…The quotes are sometimes-extensive, and the chart itself is a fascinating work of reference; it’s similar to those found in some Bible concordances but superior to most of them in its quote-selection skill. Bible-study groups may get through the psalm itself fairly quickly, but the chart will give them hours of fruitful work. An annotated innovation on the psalms of King David.”